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A   T R I B U T E   T O   M Y   F A T H E R

Selected Artworks

My father, T.S. Nagarajan was a renowned photographer and photojournalist who could capture magical moments through the lens of his camera. I derive great inspiration from him and his work as the striking composition, play of light and shadow and perfect timing are most captivating. As a tribute after his passing, I interpreted some of his iconic photographs, adding a different dimension and texture to his works. Some of these selected photographs were not published but have been very close to my heart.

Growing up in Delhi, I was often the local guide to family and friends visiting. Although the photos are taken by my father, my interpretation is drawn from memory. This series is a work in progress. Currently, they are translated into wool tapestries and embroidery on tea bags while future work will be felted with wool.


W O V E N  T A P E S T R I E S

Medium: Cotton, silk, wool

T E A   B A G   P O R T R A I T S

Tea Bag Portraits

Medium: tea bag, cotton thread

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